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411 University St, Seattle


Business Registration

Business Registration
Business Registration


1). Business Name

Requirements Include; 

  • ITEM 1
    Two (2) names for search.
  • Item 2
    Full name of Proprietor (s) as it is written on the ID card (the proprietor is the business owner and One (1) or two (2) proprietors are allowed.
  • Item 3
    Email address of proprietor(s)
  • Item 4
    Phone number of the proprietor(s)
  • Item 5
    Residential address of the proprietor(s)
  • Item 6
    Company address for the proposed Business/Enterprise registration.
  • Item 7
    I.D Cards of the proprietors E.g., when a temporary National I.D Card is supplied
  • Item 8
    Signature of the proprietor(s)-Kindly sign ONCE and separately on a plain white piece of paper and send it to us, preferably as an attachment and in JPEG/PNG format.
  • Item 9
    Passport photo-Kindly take a passport photograph of yourself or a snapshot of a hardcopy passport photo of yourself and send it to us, preferably as an attachment and in JPEG/PNG format
  • Item 10
    Nature of Business: Kindly list the businesses you intend to carry out. E.g., CATERING & RESTAURANT SERVICES.
  • Duration
    3-15 working days and your business name availability are confirmed 72 hours after payment has been received.
  • Cost
    N25,000 only.

2). Limited Liability

Requirements Include; 

  • ITEM 1
    Two (2) names for search.
  • Item 2
    Full names of director (s) as it is written on the ID. One (1) or more Directors are allowed. (Secretary is mandatory ONLY when share capital is above One Million)
  • Item 3
    E-mail Address of Director(s) / Secretary
  • Item 4
    Phone Number of Director (s) / Secretary
  • Item 5
    Residential Address of the Director(s)/ Secretary.
  • Item 6
    Company address for the proposed limited liability company registration.
  • Item 7
    ID Cards of the Directors(s)/ Secretary
  • Item 8
    Signature of director (s)-Kindly sign ONCE and separately on a plain white piece of paper and send to us, preferably as an attachment and in JPEG/PNG format.
  • Item 9
    Shares Allotment/Division: E.g- 50/50, 999,999/1. All shares must be allotted upon registration, in the case of a sole director, such takes all the shares allowable.
  • Item 10
    Nature of Business: Kindly provide the businesses you intend to carry out. E.g, CATERING & RESTAURANT SERVICES, FASHION DESIGNING.
  • Duration
    3-15 working days and your company name availability is confirmed usually within 72 hours after payment has been received
  • Cost
    N65,000 {1 million share capital} If the share capital is more than 1 million share capital, please contact us

3). NGO

Requirements Include; 

  • ITEM 1
    Three (3) Names for Search. Such names should have FOUNDATION /INITIATIVE/ SOCIETY/ ASSOCIATION as part of the proposed names.
  • Item 2
    Names of trustees as written on the ID (2-15 Trustees are allowed)
  • Item 3
    Passport photo
  • Item 4
    ID Cards of the Trustees/Secretary.
  • Item 5
    Address of the NGO
  • Item 6
    E-mail address of the Trustees
  • Item 7
    Phone number of the Trustees
  • Item 8
    Residential address of the Trustees.
  • Item 9
    9. Signature of the trustees-Kindly sign ONCE and separately on a plain white piece of paper for each of the trustees and send it to us, preferably as an attachment and in JPEG format
  • Item 10
    Objectives of the Association– Such objectives must be charitable and not for profit-making
  • Item 11
    Chairman & Secretary shall be appointed amongst the 2-15 Trustees. However, it is not mandatory for the Secretary to be among the Trustees but the Chairman must be 1 of the Trustees.
  • Item 12
    Cost includes getting the Registrar-General’s Consent to register the NGO, Publishing the approved name in 2 newspapers (28 days), and a common seal for the NGO.
  • Duration
    8 to 12 weeks after all requirements have been provided.
  • Cost
    N125,000 {Registrar General’s consent for name approval fee inclusive}


Requirements Include; 

  • ITEM 1
    Name and logo to be registered.
  • Item 2
    Name and address of the owner (author).
  • Item 3
    Class of Trademark
  • Duration
    7 weeks or less
  • Cost
    N70,000 {This covers the Acknowledgement and Acceptance letter which suffices, pending the time the certificate itself is processed at an additional cost}
Business Registration


We offer business setups across the UAE, with a choice of Free Zone or Mainland, as well as Offshore.

1). Dubai Mainland

Gives you accessibility to work across the UAE with no limitations More affordable and easy to get started.

  • Benefit 1
    Employment visas are unlimited
  • Benefit 2
    Inclusive of Dubai Mainland license, Corporate Sponsorship, and Office Space
  • Benefit 3
    100% ownership – depending on business activity
  • Benefit 4
    Can do business anywhere in the UAE
  • Benefit 5
    Account to be well managed
  • Benefit 6
    Monthly installment plan available
  • Cost
    From AED15,000

2). Free Zones

Comprises different zones from Sharjah, Ajman, and more. The nature of the business and location will help us to recommend the one most suitable for your setup from about 10 segments available. Kindly send a mail to book a consultation to know the best fit for you.

  • Cost
    From AED 8,000 per year
Business Registration



If you have always wanted to extend your business frontiers to the US and set up a legal US company and business bank account; If you need to headquarter your business or have a branch or subsidiary in the US and receive payment directly into your US business bank account; if you own an online business or fintech solution and you want to integrate a US bank payment processor that remits payment directly into your US bank account; if your business opens you to international clients/customers and you often have the need to receive payments from foreigners, this is a comprehensive package that includes everything a non-US business owner needs in order to accept payments online as a non-resident US business owner.

Coree Ng will help you set up your US Company without the need of you to visit the USA.

  • Cost
    This costs a total of $2,150


We recommend Delaware if you have plans to in the future convert your LLC to C Corp (to raise venture capital from US investors) or if you really want the prestige of saying your company is from Delaware. 


Otherwise, we recommend Wyoming because it is the most popular state for non-residents who are online businesses, e-commerce businesses, or business owners who want an easy and simple way to form and manage their companies.

    Delaware filling times are currently taking one month for LLC and C Corp formation. While Wyoming filings are often completed in a week (excluding tax registration and bank account setup).
    Delaware filling times are currently taking one month for LLC and C Corp formation. While Wyoming filings are often completed in a week (excluding tax registration and bank account setup).
    We have online integration and relationship with 3 banks (Mercury.com, Brex.com, RelayFi.com), and we will integrate your business with any one of the three. We will introduce your business to them. You will be required to provide compliance such as your website and your personal and incorporation details. No physical presence is required nor Social Security Number.
    Before we begin your application, we make sure everything complies with the banks, PayPal, or Stripe’s terms and requirements. However, bank opening approvals are subject to the banks’ decision. If a bank application is queried due to certain compliance issues, we would work on it until the application is approved.
  • RECURRING FEES (from year 2)
    Delaware has a $300 Franchise Tax, and Wyoming has a $50 Annual report fee. We would remind you when the season comes so you pay directly to the state. The annual registered agent fee is $180, after the first year. Address service is $150 after the first year.


  • Employer Identification Number
  • Registered Business Address where you can receive documents
  • US Registered Agent
  • ITIN (Individual Tax ID, used instead of Social Security Number)
  • US Business Bank Account
  • Benefit 6
    Monthly installment plan available
  • US Sim Card registered to your name that helps verification, plus receiving calls from clients)
  • Choose between PayPal or Stripe;
  • Virtual Private Server for the 1st year
  • 1on1 Tax Consultation Call (Connect with CPA to understand US taxation better and plan your tax tactic)
  • 1on1 Non-US Consultation Call.

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