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Vowen Africa

Vowen Africa
Vowen Africa

About Us

Vowen Africa is a non-governmental organization focused on connecting youths of employable age to local and international opportunities by empowering them with skills for global relevance through VOLUNTEERING.

We create opportunities for youths to gain practical experience through partnerships with local businesses and nonprofit organizations. We do this by equipping young people with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen career paths.

Our Model

  • 1). Screening
    We onboard motivated and selfless youth through the basics of volunteering.
  • 2). Training
    Through monthly workshops and training, we train them on industry-relevant skills such as effective communication and more. We create talent pipelines for the developing economies
  • 3). Matching
    We match volunteers with volunteering requests from our partner community. This lets them give back locally and maximize their impact.
  • 4). Career Sustainability
    We further ensure volunteers proceed to get paid employment or establish their business ideas through our community network.

Our Programs/Events

  • 1). Volunteer Orientation (VAAP)
    Rolls out every 3 months. March, June, September, and December
  • 2). Monthly Community Hangout
    This comes up every last Friday of the month. Join our next community hangout here: bit.ly/TheCoHub
  • 3. Capacity building (bi-weekly)
    This comes up every 2 weeks. Usually virtual on Sundays. Register for the next one here: bit.ly/CoreeCreatives
  • 4. Field volunteering
    Join as a volunteer to know the next volunteer program: bit.ly/VowenAfricaCalltion.
  • 5. Social Enterprise Connect Africa
    Comes up every June and December. It is the convergence of African founders, CEOS, Social Innovators, African Creatives, Volunteers, and Non-Governmental Organisa

Who Should Join Vowen Africa

  • Students
  • Graduates
  • Educational Partners
  • Host Companies


To be Africa’s first point of entry for individuals that wants to enhance their employability skills and growth capacity through volunteering and for social enterprises in need of human resources in achieving their specific UN SDGs.


To contribute our quota to the various issues affecting the girl child in particular and everyone generally, in Africa through volunteering with social enterprises seeking to achieve any United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We do this by creating opportunities through volunteering by engaging youths with productive activities for global relevance.

Core Values

• Collaboration
• Sustainability
• Teamwork


Your donations and support help us carry out our monthly capacity training and outreaches.

Account Name: Vowen Social Development Association
Account Number: 2286594286
Bank Name: UBA


Connect With Us

Join As A Volunteer

Get matched with ideal opportunities that align with your SDG of choice and career path.

How does it work to volunteer; ONBOARD, GET MATCHED, AND EXPERIENCE!

Join As An Organization

Request for interns or volunteers for your social impact programs and initiatives.

We create a pipeline for organizations to access outstanding talents.

Join Community

Join our growing community to know about opportunities next to you.

Learn about our physical workspace (The Co-Hub)...

You exchange talent to use the space for free!